How does Hypnotherapy in Harrow alleviate anxiety? 

I demonstrate that all behaviour is acquired through repetition. It is possible to relearn and develop a new response, one that is beneficial to our mind, body and society.
Feeling anxious is a natural and helpful mechanism if we feel there is something dangerous in our environment. It is when we are on red alert, so that if danger or something threatening materialises, we can run and or fight. The problem with anxiety is over time one can be fixed in a state of readiness to attack and of fearing the worst. All the negativity in news, conflict with family and friends, financial strain, harsh inner talk… This only serves to reinforce a negative world view and to lock us into a mindset of worst case scenario thought and perception.
Consider the physically damaging effects of anxiety. Chemically, the hypothalamus releases powerful stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Over time, excess stress hormones literally waste the body away in the form of inflammatory diseases such as asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, arthritis, dermatitis, psoriasis, and even hair loss. It leads us into states of panic, fear, nervousness, anger, self harm and poor relationships.
What Future Now Hypnotherapy – Hampstead does is to rebuild the part of you that is positive and solution focused. The one that feels happy, connected, healthy and buoyant. For those experiencing chronic anxiety, it is something that we have let become part of our lives through repetition of negative thought processes and the attendant consequences. The fact that one can essentially learn positivity, through the power of the mind and its inherent healing capabilities, is very empowering. I reveal ways you can reclaim your inner calm and to construct the life you want.