You can be free from the ravages of anger and related issues. The way you can be free from the damaging effects of anger is
  • To help you to exercise positive mind states 
  • Lowering stress by teaching you life long strategies to find calm and tranquility.
  • Step by step you will discover the real you, and free you from a life of excessive anger and its unwanted consequences such as poor health and relationships.   
There is a positive functional side to anger; it literally helps us to find hidden stores of immense energy so we can fend off attackers or save a loved one. The problem with anger is how and when to shut it off. Anger can be mild, in the form of agitation, restlessness, annoyance, impatience and tension in general. Anger fills the mind and body with adrenaline, stress hormones and cortisol. It leads to chronic inflammation, which is understood by scientists to be the precursor and underlying issue with asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, arthritis, skin rashes and a host of other conditions.  
Many relationships and lives have been ruined or degraded due to uncontrolled anger. Hypnotherapy in Harrow can help you rediscover a life full of positive constructive thinking, health, building excellent relationships and to gain restorative satisfying sleep cycles.